Your legacy is not only tied to how you live your life, but also to the lasting impact your life makes on others. Many people choose to leave a charitable gift in their Will to ensure their legacy helps to make the world a better place.
Considering a legacy gift is a meaningful way to support the KBRH Health Foundation and ensure the continuation of vital healthcare services in our community.
There are several types of legacy gifts, each offering unique benefits. Donating securities, for instance, is highly tax-effective, providing a donation tax credit and eliminating capital gains tax. Planned giving through your will allows you to make a significant contribution without affecting your current assets. Other options include capital gifts and endowments for long-term sustainability, designating the Foundation as a beneficiary of your TFSA, RRSP, or RRIF for easy administration and tax savings, and gifting life insurance policies to support regional healthcare advancements.
“What you do for yourself is fleeting and dies with you. What you do for others has unending benefit and is eternal.”
Jarold Panas (1828)
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You can make a big difference with a gift in your Will to charity, while still taking care of those you love. Use this calculator to see your potential impact.
Which type of legacy gift is right for you?
Leaving a gift in your Will is easier than you might think. The promise of a healthier world for future generations starts with you.
Planned Giving & Estate Planning
You can include the KBRH Health Foundation in your Will in the following ways: a specific gift amount, a residual gift, or a percentage of your estate.
A Planned Gift is any current or deferred gift made with forethought to the charity and has considered financial implications to the donor. Generally, a planned gift is made from capital rather than income and ideally should be part of the donor’s overall estate plan. The object of Planned Giving is to meet charitable goals while maximizing tax and other financial benefits.
A Will can be a means to make a substantial gift to the KBRH Health Foundation without diminishing the contributor’s assets during their lifetime. Important estate tax savings can result from charitable giving through your will.
By working with your financial advisor, lawyer and/or notary, you are able to learn about the benefits of Planned Giving and Estate Planning. Please download the Bequest Wording Document to assist you and your financial advisor, lawyer and/or notary, with the preparation of your Planned Gift and/or Will.
Stocks, Bonds, & Mutual Funds
Gifts of securities to a registered charity is one of the most tax effective ways to give. You can benefit from a donation tax credit and the elimination of the capital gains tax that you would pay if you sold the same shares and donated the proceeds. Your estate can also see these same benefits if you choose to leave a gift of securities in your Will.
Capital Gifts & Endowments
Endowment and Legacy Fund donations are invested and will ensure long term sustainability of the KBRH Health Foundation. Through your donations to our Endowment and Legacy Funds, future generations will benefit from improved healthcare in our communities.
Donate a TFSA, RRSP or RRIF
You can designate the KBRH Health Foundation as the beneficiary of a TFSA, RRSP, or RRIF account. This gift is simple to set up and easy to administer as it does not pass through your estate while still providing tax savings.
Gift your Life Insurance
You can transfer an existing policy to the KBRH Health Foundation or name us as the beneficiary. Either way, the proceeds will be donated to the hospital to support regional healthcare advancements.
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If you would like to learn more about giving through your Will, donating stocks, property or insurance policies, please call us. We are here to help.
Contact the KBRH Health Foundation: 888.364.3424 or 250.364.3424
Charitable Registration Number: 893123034RR0001
KBRH Health Foundation
1200 Hospital Bench,
Trail B.C. V1R 4M1