Dr. Seth Bitting, Orthopedic Surgeon

Dr. Seth Bitting is an Orthopedic Surgeon at Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital (KBRH). He specializes in shoulder and knee surgeries and has been at KBRH for 17 years. Dr. Bitting is dedicated to helping patients live the life they enjoy living. The KBRH Health Foundation’s current fundraising initiative, the Orthopedic Enhancement Project, means Dr. Bitting will be able to provide better care to his patients. The acquisition of specialized, up-to-date orthopedic equipment will help him to perform additional procedures such as anterior total hip replacements, anatomic and reverse total shoulder arthroplasties, and it will change the way he performs some current procedures. The new equipment will allow surgeons like Dr. Bitting to use techniques that will expedite patient discharge, allow for more procedures to be performed weekly and ultimately shorten the wait times for patients.

As a passionate Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Bitting prides himself on helping patients return to the activities they love to do. Whether that means returning to playing hockey, skiing, full duties at work or being able to walk pain free with their grandchildren.

Through the Orthopedic Enhancement Project, Dr. Bitting hopes to acquire a specialized operating table. The HANA operating table will assist surgeons to perform total hip arthroplasties using the anterior approach. This has several advantages for patients, including being less invasive, allowing confirmation of component placement during the procedure, and fewer surgical assistants are required for the operation.

Faster recovery and keeping orthopedic procedures closer to home, right here in the Kootenay Boundary will greatly impact our communities. As an avid biker, skier, runner and triathlete himself, Dr. Bitting understands the importance of mobility to Kootenay residents.

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