Past Winners

Kootenay Boundary 50/50 Staff Lottery – 2024/2025 BC Gaming Event License #154370

Know your limit, play within it. Must be 19 + to play. Problem Gambling Help Line: 1-888-795-6111 or visit

12/04/2024Colby ValouchCottonwoods Centre, Kelowna$13,212.50
12/18/2024Kerry RaeSalmo Wellness Clinic$10,990.00
01/02/2025Angelica McDonaldSouth Okanagan General Hospital, Osoyoos$12,202.50
01/15/2025Lakhwinder SinghOVH, Kamloops$12,107.50
01/29/2025Myla WalkerLillooet Hospital & Healthcare Centre$12,570.00
02/12/2025Daniel SzynkarukBoundary Hospital, Grand Forks$13,045.00

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